about us

backyard smart

Backyard Smart is your one-stop-shop for your dream backyard pool. We sell and install fiberglass swimming pools, pools and spas combination, and spas. Fiber pools offer affordable and long-lasting pools.

Why Fiber Pools?

Fiberglass swimming pools began to be manufactured in the 1950s, an idea that arose from the manufacture of boats with this material. In addition to boats, there are several other products that are made of fiberglass, such as helicopter products, medical equipment and aircraft bodies, and therefore a material that is highly resistant to temperature and pressure changes.

The fiberglass pool has the largest capacity among other pool types, it is also the one that has the least time to be installed.


BUILD quality

  • Pool structural layers 100% fiberglass
  • Barrier layer – vinyl ester resin
  • Non-abrasive surface with no sharp edges
  • Non-porous surface keeps chemical and maintenance costs down
  • With 30 pool styles and sizes and 2 colors options blue and white

contact us for your dream pool


How soon can I get my pool?

This depends on your place in line for delivery and if the pool is in stock. We can normally have your pool to you within 14 working days if you would like for us to predrill the shell for you. If the pool has to be ordered, approximately 60 days is how long it takes to produce a pool.

What is considered an oversized load for delivery?

Any pool over 12 feet wide is an oversized load and is more expensive to ship since many states require an escort car and the trailer can not be on the road after dark which means it ties up a driver for a longer period of time.

Do I have to have an alarm and fencing?

Yes, in Tennessee, there is Katie Beth’s Law which states that all pools have to have an alarm at any entrance of the pool area working on site at time of the final electrial inspection. An alarm that sounds off when anything or anybody falls in the pool weighting more that 15 lbs is also required. Fencing 48 inches to grade is required as well. While this seems to be a lot of regulations, the safety of your loved ones and guests depend on these to avoid a heartbreaking situation.

Why can't I get an actual cost for installation over the phone?

Since there is no way to determine where you pool can go in your lot due to underground tree trunks, septic tanks and lines, rock, and other underground impediments, it is not possible to give an actual costs. Also, different parts of the country have different costs for materials, equipment and labor so the cost for installation at your location may not be the same for someone else.

Can I have a slide and diving board?

Slides must be installed over a water depth of at least 36 inches, dropping to 42-54 inches as you move away from the slide. This generally means the middle of a pool, neither the shallow end nor all the way in the deep end. Too shallow and a slider can hit the bottom of the pool which is dangerous Pools over 4 feet deep can have certain slides but no diving boards. Pools over 7.5- 9 feet deep can have either. There are specifications adhered to for slides and diving boards and these state how deep the pool or slide entry.

Can I finance my pool?

Yes, there are lenders who will finance your pool and pool installation. We have two companies, Lyon Financial and HFS Financial who work with our customers to arrange for financing their pools. You can also check with your local bank or credit union.

Pool Finance

Direct to consumer-funded financing options. Two different financial companies to choose from offering terms up to 15 years, unsecured loan, same-day response, and an inquiry does not affect credit.